Hey I am Fabio Valesini!
I was born in some place around the Alps over the spring that followed the most iconic, cold and snowy winter EVER.
That being the year 1985.
I always had a passion for drawings that slowly matured into a love for animation, and that is mostly what I do nowadays. I have developed a predilection towards frame by frame animation, although I do work a lot as motion designer and illustrator.
I’m currently drawing things at Giant Ant.
Here is where you can find a selection of my most recent works.

For any enquire, collaboration, greet or a cup of coffee, you can find me at fabiovalesini@gmail.com
…in alternative you can access all the necessary information by clicking on to those marvelous buttons on the bottom left part of your monitor.




eMail       fabiovalesini@gmail.com
Skype      f.a.b.o.
Mobile    +39 3479449224 / +1 (604) 3288789